It was the charmingly minimalist packaging that drew me to the display, but the delicious-sounding ingredients -- sweet potato, alfalfa grass, salmon oil, acai berries -- didn't hurt, nor did the straightforward flavor selection -- chicken, beef, turkey, quail, buffalo, tuna, salmon -- which put me in mind of the hearty menu at Craft, where I ate the other night. The food pellets themselves are dark brown, with a friendly, rounded shape; they look as if they'd make a lovely breakfast cereal.
Unfortunately, the Before Grain line isn't organic, which would have been a huge plus. And since the bags are plastic, a resealable ziploc top would have been great, and they really should have been biodegradable. But with its trial packages costing $2.49 apiece, with a $2.50 coupon on the side, it was impossible to say no. And I have to admit the bag looks pretty on my counter!
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